
CodeWeek 2019 at KrNU

KrNU joined all-European CodeWeek initiative. This event was held in the scope of dComFra project. This year code week was held during 5-20 October, and KrNU organized two events: Intruduction to Robotic Systems Development and BigData: Introduction for Computer Scientists.

More than 30 participants attended Introduction to Robotic Systems. They have learned about implementation spheres of robotic system, development stages of such systems, and programming tools used for coding robotic systems.

More than 20 participants attended BigData: Introduction for Computer Scientists. They had a chance to communicate with experienced professionals working with BigData, they had learned about main trends in the area, learn basic principles for coding BigData systems.

As result of interaction between KrNU and other dComFra society member, our university was awarded with CodeWeed Certificate of Excellence.

All the costs related to the project implementation are funded through a grant from the European Union Erasmus+ Program, line ÊÀ2: Capacity building in Higher Education for the current project “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”, 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2CBHE-SP.

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