KrNU administration held a meeting with foreign students of the preparatory department
On August 27, the first organizational meeting of students of the preparatory department took place in KrNU. Currently there are four groups of foreigners (39 citizens of India and two residents of Cameroon). The event was attended by the First Vice-Rector Professor Nykyforov, Vice-Rector for Research, Teaching and Advanced Technologies in Education Associate Professor Serhiienko, Vice-Rector for Research, Education and Economics Associate Professor Usatiuk, Director of the KrNU Center for International Affairs Associate Professor Gladyr, Director of the Center for Advanced Training and Professional Adaptation Soshenko and heads of structural divisions of the University.
The foreign students were greeted by the First Vice-Rector, Professor Nykyforov. He spoke about Kremenchuk and the University, its place in international rankings, its educational and research activities, etc.
The students were also introduced to the heads of departments that provide the educational process, and explained who to contact if, for example, there are problems in the dormitory or there is a wish to enroll in a sports section, and so on.
After the introductory part of the meeting, the violation of contract terms by foreign students was discussed. The First Vice-Rector reported on the first case of expulsion that has already taken place. Student Brahmbhatt Naitik Sanjay was expelled from the preparatory department for systematic breach of contract. Since the beginning of August, he has not attended classes and has left the city without permission.
Less severe sanctions were applied to four other students. A decision was made to separate them from the main contingent and relocate to another dormitory for systematic violation of the rules of living in a dormitory.
At the end of the meeting, Vice-Rector Serhiienko noted that the University administration appreciates the choice of foreign students to study at KrNU and creates conditions for comfortable living and successful study. However, success is impossible without the cooperation of all participants in the educational process – the administration, lecturers and students, – said the Vice-Rector and he expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation.