The formation of the university library is connected with the history of formation and development of the university itself. The library is a structural unit of the university that provides literature and information to the educational and scientific process of the university.
Through its activities, the Library contributes to the implementation of state policy in the field of education and culture, adhering to the principles of humanism and democracy, the priority of universal values and morality.
The main tasks of the library today, as a socio-cultural, informational, scientific structure, regardless of times and social systems, are the collection, arrangement and provision of knowledge and information on all media and from all channels of information. Implementing the concept of the information society, i.e. storing, processing, and distributing information on traditional and electronic media, the university library today occupies a key position among information service providers.
In connection with the growing trends of remote service, remote service is becoming a defining feature of the library and information environment of the university. Digitization is the slogan of a component of the information and service activity of the modern university library.
One of the tasks of the university library is to support licensing and accreditation of university specialties
The university library implements world standards of academic writing and publication culture; - namely, it informs scientists and students of all levels of education about the principles of scientific integrity, disseminates the rules for preparing manuscripts for publication in compliance with the ethics of citation; - promotes plagiarism prevention practices. The classic scheme of information provision of the educational process and analysis of scientific sources provides for the availability of a sufficient number of paper textbooks and teaching aids in the library fund of the university, and the necessary editions of educational and methodological support at the departments require significant annual replenishment and updating. To solve these issues, the university has developed and put into operation (on the basis of the existing corporate network with the help of library servers) an electronic library, an electronic (e-)repository, and open access to the electronic catalog (EC) of the traditional fund, which is located on the library's website, has been created.
The library's document fund contains paper (approximately 310,000 copies) and electronic editions (approximately 265,000 copies: book titles, articles, methodological developments, individual chapters, reviews, etc.). The library subscribes to 50 titles of periodicals. Disclosure of document resources takes place by replenishing the electronic catalog, the database of which consists of about 185,000 records.
The library's electronic catalog is supplemented with bibliographic descriptions of individual articles in periodicals and scientific journals.
The library fund is universal. The majority of the fund consists of educational and teaching-methodical literature, followed by scientific literature. The fund was formed in accordance with the profile of the university and the needs of users.
The library fund provides full, high-quality and operational library and bibliographic and information services for students, graduate students, professors and teaching staff, researchers, university employees and other categories of users in accordance with their information requests, with wide access to all funds and information bases of the library according to the rules use.
In its activities, the University Library is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", "On Libraries and Library Affairs", "On the National Informatization Program", resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, other current normative legal acts in the field of librarianship, education, science, culture, the Statute and internal rules of the University, as well as the Regulation on the activity of the KrNU library.
Employees of the University Library:
• provide and assist in solving issues of using scientific citation databases, including: searching for authors' publications; adding publications and links to the author's profile; identification of the organization in the author's publications; determination of the author's citation index and Hirsch index; determining the impact factor of journals in which authors are published.
• provide analysis of scientometric indicators, citations of publications, study of co-authorship and scientific cooperation of university professors and teachers.
• help in the expansion of segments of users of scientometric databases (DB) by new forms of information dissemination: constant filling and editing of the electronic library (EB), filling of the e-repository, creation of biobibliographic indexes; assistance and consulting in creating profiles of scientists.
• contribute to the education of a harmonious, morally perfect personality, aware of its civic duty, open to intellectual, spiritual and creative development.
• organize and maintain a reference and bibliographic apparatus using both traditional and electronic media.
• expand the nomenclature of bibliographic services, increase their quality with the use of new information technologies, computerization of information and bibliographic processes.
• establish ties with libraries of other higher education institutions of Ukraine, ties with libraries of other countries, cooperation with educational foundations, with the involvement of the diaspora in the development of libraries of higher education institutions of Ukraine.