Main> About University: mission and main goals  

About University

  Mission and main goals


The mission of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (KrNU) consists in training competitive human capital for the innovative development of Ukraine, self-realization of the individual, meeting the needs of the society, labor market and the state in highly qualified specialists.  

The purpose of the mission realization is to obtain a set of systematized knowledge and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological and social qualities, moral and ethical values, other competencies acquired in KrNU in the relevant field of knowledge, according to certain qualifications at I-III levels of higher education. The mission of the University extends to the Dnieper region, Ukraine and Europe.

  The KrNU mission is based on four main principles:

   - autonomy, which provides for self-sufficiency, independence and responsibility of the University in making decisions regarding the development of academic freedoms,  organization of the educational process, research, internal management, economic activity, independent selection and placing of personnel within the limits stipulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”;

   - academic integrity as a set of ethical principles and rules defined by the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and "On Higher Education", which should guide participants in the educational process during training, teaching and research to ensure confidence in learning outcomes and / or research achievements;

   - academic mobility, which provides an opportunity for participants in the educational process to study, teach, train or conduct research in other HEIs in Ukraine or abroad;
   - academic freedom, which provides for the independence and autonomy of participants in the educational process during pedagogical, scientific and / or innovative activities carried out on the principles of freedom of speech and creativity, dissemination of knowledge and information, research and use of its results and is implemented taking into account the restrictions stipulated by law.

  The main goals of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University include the following:

  - formation of the worldview and education of youth;

  - professional training and retraining of specialists;

  - basic and applied research, preservation and structuring of existing knowledge, innovation in various fields;

  - socialization of youth and other vulnerable social groups (pensioners, the disabled, the unemployed, etc.);

  - designing social development at the global, regional and local levels, creating appropriate forecasts and scenarios;

  - development and implementation of global, regional and local programs in the field of education, culture, human health, sports, etc.;

  - assistance to everyone in integral development and leadership formation, service to the person, community, society, state.