CPDA organizes and carries out educational process of professional development taking into account the core requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine, of Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", "On scientific and technical activity", of Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 800, August 21, 2019 "Some issues of professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff", in conformance with Regulations on professional development and internship of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions in enterprises, organizations, scientific and educational institutions approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 48 from 24.01.2013, Regulations on staff training in enterprises approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 27/151 from 26.03.2001 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine No. 92/147 from 03.03.2008; by Orders of the Ministry and Social Policy of Ukraine No. 218/475 from 18.04.2012 , No. 34/33 from 15.01.2018), other legal acts.
Scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions improves qualifications no less frequently than once every five years (at least 6 credits ECTS).
According to Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On General Secondary Education", "On Pre-tertiary Vocational Education", scientific and pedagogical staff of general secondary and pre-tertiary vocational educational institutions is obliged to improve qualifications no less frequently than once every five years, and every year (at least 150 hours for 5 years).
Pedagogical staff of preschool and out-of-school educational institutions improve qualifications at least 120 hours for 5 years.
The forms of professional development are: institutional (intramural (daytime, evening), extramural, distance, network), dual, in-service, in industries, etc. The forms of professional development can be combined.
The types of professional development are:
- study under the educational professional development program;
- traineeship;
- participation in seminars, workshops, trainings, webinars, master classes envisages complex study of actual problems in the field of education, of new instruments of legislation, of the best national and foreign practices.
The period of long-term professional development in terms of the curriculum is no less than 108 academic hours (3 ECTS credits): 72 classroom hours and 36 hours of independent study or in another ratio within the range of one third to two thirds of total academic hours.
Frequency of long-term professional development of employees is determined at least every five years.
For any questions, please, contact:

Pidvalna Lyudmyla Pavlivna - leading expert of the Center
Tel.: +38 067 7290643
E-mail: cpdo@ukr.net
Address: 39600, Kremenchuk, vul. Pershotravneva,
21, room 7120.