Main> About University: strategic lines  

About University

  Strategic lines



   1.1 Formation of the contingent of applicants for higher education:

– development of strategic partnership of the University with general educational institutions, HEI of the I and II levels of accreditation in the region, at enterprises and organizations, social structures, etc.;

– market monitoring in order to train specialists taking into account the needs of consumers of research and educational services;

– expanding public relations through the media, open events and advertising of the University;

– optimization of the amount of admission to the University taking into account the needs of the market and demographic situation on the basis of forecasting and monitoring, strengthening the individualization of propaganda and career guidance work.

    • Organization of the educational process and the quality of training:

 – diversification of specialties for a second higher education;

– development of a comprehensive program of measures to improve the quality of education and science;

– development of measures aimed at improving curricula in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Process, the compliance of the competences acquired by the applicant of higher education, his professional and / or academic qualifications;

– introduction of the methodology of quantitative evaluation of the activity of research and pedagogical personnel;

– systematic analysis of the employment status of graduates, providing feedback with employers;

– improving the quality of the educational process through the introduction of innovative learning technologies, updating curricula, lectures, workshops, seminars, laboratory work, preparation and publication of modern textbooks and manuals;

– supplementation of curricula with disciplines of variable component, which are studied during the development of similar specialties in the world leading universities, but are not presented in the mandatory component of domestic curricula;

– constant monitoring of the quality of education;

– involvement of consumer enterprises in the control and ensuring the impact on the quality of training;  providing material incentives for the best students, expanding the practice of personalized scholarships.

   1.3 Employment of graduates:

– introduction of effective measures of career guidance and propaganda work on the basis of the analysis of enrolment of previous years;

– increase in the contingent, including at the expense of foreign citizens, high-quality advertising campaign, marketing strategy, licensing of new educational programs;

– development of high-quality educational and methodical complexes, ECTS packages;

– expanding the range of work with gifted children (opening a University lyceum in the fields of knowledge; professional and subject competitions, competitions of research papers, in particular in the format of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, creation of specialized laboratories for collective use by schoolchildren, holding research picnics and other events) aiming at attraction them to study at the University;

– optimization of admission rules taking into account modern conditions, demographic situation in the region and monitoring of the structure of external evaluation results;

– creation of the registration point of the external evaluation participants on the basis of the University and provision of conditions for its annual holding.

   1.4 Staffing and information support:

– providing at least 10-15 defenses of Ph.D. and 1-3 doctoral dissertations annually;

– increasing the efficiency of postgraduate and doctoral studies by training in the established period of study;

– optimization of the work of specialized academic councils of the University and ensuring the defense of 15-20 dissertations at them annually;

– ensuring the introduction and use of modern information and computer technologies in the educational process;

– modernization and updating of methodological support at the departments of electronic databases;

– research of the efficiency of introduction of elements of distance learning;

– providing the publication of 10-12 textbooks, manuals and research monographs per year;

– monitoring of University scientists and recommendation for postgraduate studies of promising masters and assistants of departments;

– improving the structure and management system of information support of the educational process;

– introduction and development of the latest information technologies in education and science;

– providing free access to national and international educational and scientometric platforms and databases, including Scopus and WoS CC.


– creating an investment-attractive image of the University;

– development of basic scientific research and applied developments, diversification of sources of their financing;

– integration of education, science and economy at the regional, national and international levels;

– fundraising of traditional and new material resources;

– creation of new intellectual property products;

– technology transfer to production;

– improving the management and financing of research activities;

– formation of a modern material and technical research base;

– integration of the University research and development sector into the national and international scientific and technological space;

– development of innovative activity by increasing the innovativeness of scientific developments;

– introduction of new information technologies of scientific research at the level of the city, district, region and country;

– ensuring the  participation of the University in national and international rankings;

– opening of one-time specialized academic councils for the defense of the Doctor of Philosophy dissertation;

– motivation of active research work of higher education seekers and young scientists through the development of research societies and involvement in scientific research on a paid basis;

– ensuring the increase of publishing activity of the University scientists due to their publication in leading national and foreign research journals indexed in international scientometric databases.


– expansion of relations with HEIs of other countries for the purpose of exchange of lecturers and higher education seekers and cooperation in research and educational activities;

– conducting work on attracting foreign seekers of higher education to study at the University;

– conducting a set of information events on participation in grant programs, scholarships, participation in competitions, internships abroad;

– providing participation in international and European programs, including Open World, Fulbright Academic Exchanges, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Erasmus +, Horizon 2020, Eureka, etc.


– conducting thematic events of national and patriotic orientation;

– strengthening educational work in order to introduce a healthy lifestyle and combat the spread of smoking, drug addiction, AIDS, tuberculosis;

– improving the selection of curators, their training, continuing the work of the University school of curators, ensuring the content of curatorial hours;

– assistance in the work of student self-government bodies, increasing their role in the organization of the educational process, solving issues of lodging and organization of student life in dormitories;

– promoting the development of student groups of amateur art, the organization of meaningful leisure of students, a number of entertainment events: "Queen of the University", the KVN championship, the festival "Student Spring", etc .; diversification of sports and recreation activities outside academic hours, including weekends and holidays.


– compliance with a set of ethical principles and rules stipulated by law, which should guide the participants of the educational process during training, teaching and conducting research (creative) activities in order to ensure confidence in learning outcomes and / or research (creative) achievements;

– awareness of each participant in the educational process of the importance and necessity of compliance with these norms in order to change the general culture of behavior and assist in the formation of a proper worldview and adequate values;

– accumulation, preservation, systematization, reproduction, publication and distribution in electronic format of academic texts of the faculty, students, post-graduate students and doctoral students;

– ensuring free and open access to open data contained in the depository, and promoting the development of application tools for working with academic texts and other data;

– involvement of the University library and student council in popularization of the principles of academic integrity among students.


– development of management regulations that correspond to the new structure of the University;

– definition of the system of indicators of social infrastructure of the University;

– development and implementation of a contract system of hiring and remuneration of research and pedagogical personnel;

– development and implementation of a system of stimulating the innovative activity of research and pedagogical personnel;

– determination of criteria for calculating the cost of training, development and implementation of methods for calculating costs associated with acquisition of higher education and degrees in various specialties;

– setting criteria for the quality of work of economic services and monitoring their compliance;

– endowment for educational and research activities from various sources;

– creation of a system of protection of intellectual property rights;

– optimization of the staff list in accordance with the available contingent of applicants for higher education;

– minimizing the number of external and internal part-timers;

– reducing the amount of hourly pay by optimizing the planning of educational assignments;

– increasing the number of foreign applicants for higher education;

– attracting sponsorship funds for the maintenance of the University facilities;

– increase in the volume of provided leased areas;

– timely repair of premises, provision of material and technical and sanitary and hygienic conditions for the organization of the educational process;

– guaranteeing safe and favorable working and learning conditions.


– increasing the efficiency of energy resources use by the material and technical base of the University;

– ensuring sustainable improvement of energy efficiency of the University buildings;

– expanding the interaction of the University with local and regional authorities for the introduction of energy efficient technologies in housing and communal services;

– attracting sponsors, investors, grant resources for the modernization of University buildings


– ensuring the optimization of the management system, a combination of administrative and self-management principles, the adoption and implementation of management decisions at all levels;

– ensuring the unity of educational, scientific and production processes, continuity and end-to-end type of training;

– increasing the role of student government as an equal partner in the management of the University;

– introduction of strategic planning of the University and its departments;

– creation of an effective system of regular reporting of each elected leader to his\her staff in all areas of activity, strict adherence to the democratic principles of the elective system;

– ensuring compliance with anti-corruption legislation;

– settlement and prevention of potential conflicts of interest –  identification and assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the University.

The Strategic lines of KrNU activity are based on constant development of the internal system of quality assurance which meets the European standards (ESG) and provides realization of the following requirements.:

– identification of business entities in the structure of the University, distribution of powers and responsibilities between them, as well as introduction of transparency in management decisions;

– recognition and implementation of student-oriented learning, teaching and assessment;

– introduction of a rating system for knowledge assessment;

– regular survey of students, lecturers, graduates, the public and employers as to the quality of educational programs and educational components in them in order to improve them;

– introduction of innovative technologies and methods of teaching and learning. As well as a systematic assessment of such activities of the University:

– goals, program learning outcomes, structure and content of educational programs, their profiles given the mission of the University, the availability of educational standards, trends in the specialty, labor market, industry and regional aspects, as well as the experience of similar domestic and foreign educational programs;

– educational activities according to educational programs (educational components (taking into account individual educational trajectories), qualification papers, system of attestation and progress of students, movement of the contingent);

– systems of access to educational programs and recognition of learning outcomes; effectiveness of forms and methods of teaching and learning, their impact on the achievement of program learning outcomes, meeting the requirements of student-oriented approach and the principles of academic freedom;

– success of graduates (employment of graduates in the regional labor market);

– the effectiveness of forms of control measures, analysis of the University policy on standards and procedures for compliance with academic integrity;

– compliance of academic and / or professional qualifications of teachers involved in the implementation of the educational program, and their ability to ensure the achievement of the goals defined by the relevant program and program learning outcomes;

– creative and research activities (quality and line of research at the University in the context of educational programs, as well as success in the process of obtaining grants and involvement of research and teaching staff, students and post-graduate students in their implementation, quality and citation index of published texts);

– internationalization of the University (international cooperation, student and lecturer mobility, projects with foreign HEIs, international grants, etc.);

– efficiency of the internal structure of the University, the capacity of departments;

– financial resources, logistics, information and technical equipment, evaluation of administrative and support activities (e.g. background for students).