Department of educational and cultural-mass work
Employees of the department of educational and cultural-mass work organize the work of amateur student art groups, conduct educational, cultural and educational work with students, ensure the organization of meaningful leisure activities for students, provide methodological and informational assistance in organizing and conducting educational events, writing scripts, and provide technical assistance to student self-government bodies, institutes, faculties and departments. DECMW plans educational and cultural-mass work together with the student council, student union and all the structural subdivisions of the university.
The educational work is based on established traditions, the main principles of which are the universality of the educational space, the combination of universal values with national and regional traditions, respect for work and professionalism, the primacy of the spiritual over the material, ethical, aesthetic, environmental and patriotic education, and the priority of a healthy lifestyle. The basis for the education of future specialists at the university is patriotism, love for the Motherland, and active public position.
Since the first days of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the university's faculty and students have been involved in volunteer activities. This work is aimed at helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine, territorial defense, internally displaced persons affected by the war, and children affected by Russian aggression The university has set up a volunteer aid center, a refugee shelter, and a humanitarian center. Everyone joined in collecting medicines, food, clothes, thermal imagers, drones, military equipment, weaving camouflage nets, and donating. At the initiative of the department's specialists, the university staff took part in the All-Ukrainian fundraising campaign for the Armed Forces "Courageous Hryvnia". Leading lecturers of the departments, with the involvement of students, conduct first aid trainings, psychological trainings on mastering self-help techniques in the face of chronic stress caused by war, provide psychological assistance to refugee children and refugees, conduct art therapy classes for children affected by war, and provide free legal assistance to refugees.
The university has a student debate club, a conversation club "Kremenchuk is the Heart of Ukraine", virtual educational and pedagogical studios, a legal clinic "Human Rights Protection", courses for students "The World of Psychology", a student psychological workshop, which have a broad educational function.
Members of creative student studios have rehearsals, attend master classes, record videos of concert performances and greetings, and participate in creative competitions.
The university has creative studios that have the honorary title of "folk (amateur) student group" (confirmed in 2022):
1. Vocal - instrumental studio band "Quintessence". Headed by V. Korobov.
2. Vocal and choreographic studio "Dominant". Headed by M. Agramakova.
3. Studio of choreography and plasticity "On the border between". Headed by M. Dailid.
Together with the Student Council and the Student Union, the department organizes and conducts the following traditional university-wide events:
- first-year students holiday"Initiation into students";
- competitions "The Most Creative Student of the Year", "The Best Academic Group", etc;
- intellectual games "Brain Ring";
- regional art festival-competition "Student Spring" (I and II stages);
- University Day and many other artistic, cultural and educational events annually reveal the talents of students.
Creative groups are active in concert and patronage activities and participate
• in international art festivals and competitions (e.g., "Fairy Tale Chimes", etc.)
• in competitions for the championship of Ukraine (e.g., modern and pop choreography competition, All-Ukrainian essay competition on patriotic and civic topics "Strong in unity!", competition of Ukrainian patriotic smile, publishing journalism, etc;)
• in city and regional gala concerts (e.g., "Student of the Year", "Student Spring");
• in festivals (e.g., "Kremenchuk - a city of different people", dedicated to the Day of Europe, "Kremenchuk Theater Spring", etc;)
• in concert programs (e.g., on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the university, on the occasion of the City Day, on the occasion of the Day of Defender of the Motherland, on the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Volunteer, etc;)
• conduct charity concerts (e.g., at the Makarenko boarding school, at the regional hospital for war veterans).
The university has special control over the support of students of privileged categories provided for by the current legislation, students - combatants and their children, persons with disabilities as a result of war and their children, internally displaced persons, persons with disabilities.